Shawshank Redemption Goofs
Shawshank Goofs

•Red catches the ball twice without throwing it back.

•Beer bottles did not have twist-off tops in 1949.

•Andy is said to crawl through a sewer of length 500-600 yards - "just shy of half a mile." Half a mile is 880 yards.

•When Brooks is carving his name while standing on the table, he is almost eye level with the carving. When he is down carving his name, he kicks out the table below him and he doesn't fall more than a couple of inches as he is hung. But when the camera view changes, he is hanging so far down, he probable couldn't even reach where he was carving his name.

•When Andy crawls through the tunnel he dug, you can see the light of some lightning behind him. Simple question is: How? Miss Raquel Welches poster was covering the hole, and a shiny poster like that will reflect the light.

•When Andy destroys the sewage pipe, a lot of shit explodes into his face. When he crawls through it, it is only filled half way.

•When the Shawshank warden shoots himself in the head, he aims at the middle of his head. When in the next scene, the entry wound is slightly to the right.

•Based on the position of the hole Andy was digging, he could not stick the bottom of the poster firmly onto the wall. From the scenes where we see him digging, it looks like the bottom of the poster isn't stuck to the wall. The problem is that, not only does the poster look firmly attached on top and on bottom in most of the scenes, but if it wasn't, when the Warden throws the rock at the poster, it would not tear. It would just hit it at fall to the ground.

Corrected Goofs

These are ones that the IMDB screwed up on.

•Federal Income Taxes were due on March 15, but no date is mentioned in the film; it only says that intramural baseball season is the same as tax time. No date.

•The "A" does not change in the flashback. It is just seen from 35 degree lower camera angle and a more powerful zoom.

•Everybody *does* age. Andy and Red both get gray hair, and Warden Norton gains weight and wrinkles. Andy also begins using glasses (with bifocals).

•Warden Norton's suit does not fit perfectly; when Andy walks into the Main National Bank, the camera is on his feet. You see that while the pantleg isn't too short, it is shorter than it should be. It should also be noted that Warden Norton suits often appear too large for him.

Thanks to VoxDei for the corrected goofs.

Brian's Shawshank Redemption Page


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